A logo of the league is shown.

Mission Statement:

The X-League was designed to offer bowlers a high-end traveling league in which to compete in. The goal is simple…to create a one-of-a-kind league that promotes transparency, faster/higher payouts, awards for accomplishment, and to promote the sport of bowling.

The league will be run by the Executive Board of Directors with input from the bowlers themselves, something other traveling leagues fail to do…listen. We plan to run this league with common sense and professionalism.

The X-League looks to expand well past the local bowling alleys. Over time, we plan to have franchises in all lower 48 states, giving way to the first ever true recreational National Championship and giving these bowlers something like never before…national media attention.

Executive Board Members:

The X-League will be run by the Executive Board Members / Directors (EBM or EBD). EBM’s are appointed only by the C.E.O. EBM’s are an extension of the C.E.O. and have the final say in all related matters. Anyone in the future may become an EBM by submitting, in writing, that they would like to be an EBM. In addition to a background check, the current EBM will meet to discuss approval.

How To Start A Franchise:

Franchise Owners must fill out two short forms. Those forms are:

  • Application of Registration Form
  • Team Roster Form (minimum 15, maximum 36)

A “Future Franchise Owner Checklist” is made available to all Franchise Owners to make it much easier. All these forms can be simply download from www.MyXLeague.com

Once the EBMs approve the application for Franchise Ownership, a one-time payment of $499 shall be made to X-League. For first year inaugural franchises (2023 – 2024), this fee is waived. This payment goes towards registration and data entry of all members of the franchise. Any cash left over goes towards improving technology in the future to make membership, upgrades to the servers and to make the website easier to use for sanctioned members.

Once completed, Franchise Owners will then have access to multiple X-League approved jersey manufacturers as well as logo services, if needed.

Membership Year:

The X-League membership year begins August 1 and ends July 31 of the following year. Membership is considered “being sanctioned by the X-League AND in good standing.” To obtain a membership, you must be a part of a franchise and all annual dues must be paid.

Membership allows all bowlers to participate in all X-League Tour Stops and X-League Tournaments. X-League Membership sanction fees are $30 annually. Each franchise owner will be responsible to collect from each member of the team, and one payment shall be made to the X-League.  For bowlers added during the bowling season, a one-time $30 sanction fee is due prior to competition.

The purpose of sanction fees allows members to receive awards for honor scores (no limit per year), allows X-League to keep track of total pinfall, and keep track of all averages.

Bowlers NOT sanctioned may not bowl in any Tour Stops or Tournaments ran by X-League.

Roles Of The Franchise Owner:

  • Franchise Owners run their team.
  • If the franchise is owned by multiple individuals, one must be named as their Chief Owner to deal with EBMs. The EBMs do not need to deal with multiple individuals when talking about X-League.
  • Franchise Owners are solely responsible for all payments to X-League, including
  1. the $499 initial franchise fee
  2. the $30 per bowler sanction fee
  3. the $40 per bowler who participates in all tour stops
  4. the $300 team annually (approx. $10/bowler)
  • Ensuring each tour stop member is wearing their X-League jersey with their last name
  • Deescalating any possible issues from members of the franchise
  • Properly disperse any winnings to bowlers at season’s end, promptly
  • Fill out any federal tax forms where the IRS says it is mandatory
  • Ensure that all members are properly sanctioned

Ineligible Bowlers:

A bowler will be disqualified from any tour stop and receive zero if it uses any non-sanctioned bowler, or a bowler not on their roster. Bowler’s must have their own last name on their jerseys, if not, that bowler will receive a zero.

Suspended Bowlers:

A bowler suspended from membership in the USBC will be ineligible to participate in all X-League matches or tournaments. Any team using a suspended bowler will result in a score of zero.

Protests and Appeals:

Protests and appeals must be made in writing and emailed to [email protected], within 6 hours of the start of the scheduled tour stop. The X-League EBDs will look over the protest or appeal. A decision will be made within a week. The X-League EBDs will have the final say on all decisions made.

Team Lineups:

Each lineup will consist of nine active bowlers separated into three sets of trios. The first set of trios will be known as the “Scratch Pair.” The second set of trios will be known as the “First Handicap Pair.” This pair will receive 80% of 240. The third and final set of trios will be known as the “Last Handicap Pair or Second Handicap Pair.” This pair will receive 80% of 240, however, no bowler over a 215 average may bowl on this pair.

Franchises are required to send their lineups to X-League the Thursday prior to competition by 11:59pm. Two substitutions may be made prior to the scheduled start time. Two substitutions may be made during competition but only before the start of any game. Substitutes may not enter mid game. You must inform the Tour Stop Representative prior to ANY changes. No changes will be allowed without notification. Replaced bowlers may not return to the same competition in which they were replaced.

In instances where franchises are unable to fill a 9-person lineup, a blind will come in with a 200 average and have a blind score of 180. Full payment of the match will still be required regardless of the number of blinds. Blinds may still win points.

Franchises are encouraged to alter rosters to assist in participation. Multiple blinds over multiple weeks by franchises could trigger the X-League EBDs to get involved.

The order of the lineup cannot be changed the day of the match. If an alternate needs to go into the lineup, they will go into the lineup under the person they are replacing. Making this change requires notification to the tour stop representative.

A bowling alley with a lot of people in it.

Franchise Jerseys:

Each member must wear their official X-League jerseys. Bowlers must have their own last name on their jersey. Bowlers must not alter their jerseys once they receive them. Some examples may be cutting jerseys, bleaching jerseys, added ink, burning jerseys, or any other desecration of the jersey. Bowlers must have their jerseys always displayed during competition. Competition is defined as the first frame of the first game and ends on the team’s final ball. Bowlers may not compete unless they follow these jersey rules. There are some exceptions to the previous rules. Bowlers may bowl in jerseys with no sleeves, but the jersey must look neat, and any new franchises who have yet to receive their jerseys from any manufacturer approved by X-League. Any bowlers added mid-season must wait to compete until they receive their jersey. X-League has discretion on all other jersey matters.


All X-League Tour Stops will have 7-10 minutes of practice.


There will be unlimited re-racks per bowler.

Altering Ball Surfaces:

Ball surfaces may be altered up to the start of competition, including cleaning with cleaner or alcohol, or sanding. Start of competition is defined as the first frame of the first game. These alterations must be “within reason.” X-League tour stop representatives have the power to define this.

Lane Courtesy:

Lane courtesy will be left up to the individual divisions to define, as different parts of the country prefer different lane courtesy. These decisions will be made during tour stop one. Any inter-divisional matches will use two lane courtesy.

Roster Size:

Each franchise must have a minimum of 15 bowlers, and may only have a maximum of 30 bowlers. Franchises must notify X-League of all roster changes made. If the bracket runner is on a roster, and does brackets regularly, the team that the bracket runner is on will get a courtesy 31st roster spot.

Franchises may drop bowlers off their roster, but only in the off season. The off season is defined as after the Championship game and before the next season starts.

Bowlers on franchises may opt out at any time throughout the year, regardless of what the franchise wants. These opt out bowlers may rejoin X-League on another team, but they must have their new team’s jersey. Bowlers switching must have at least nine games bowled in that season for their new team to be eligible for playoffs.

All rosters will be frozen from February 1st until July 4th. This will keep playoff teams from poaching from other teams that have a lesser shot to make the playoffs. After that, any bowler can go to any team they wish.

Team Disbanding:

Any team that disbands after the tour stop begins is responsible for all prize money for the remainder of the season. That money must be paid in full prior to the championship match. Failure to do so may result in an indefinite suspension of the team members. The X-League EBDs may allow individual members back in with a vote from the EBDs. Franchise Owners must sign a document understanding this rule.

A group of men posing for a picture in a bowling alley.

Bowler Eligibility:

Bowlers must be 18 years of age or older. Bowlers must wear their jerseys. Bowlers must be in good standing with X-League (no fights, no threats, no weapons, and any like-minded occurrences). To be eligible for playoffs, bowlers must have 9 games on that team.


X-League will be using a true composite average of all USBC averages regardless of winter or summer. Sport shot leagues will not count. Any bowler that does not have this, comes in at an average of 240, unless the Franchise Owner can produce evidence of something lower. In some instances, X-League EBDs may rerate a bowler if they do not have these qualifications. EBDs have final say in entering averages and may rerate at any time. Bowlers cannot drop 10 pins below their entering average. To establish an average, bowlers must bowl 18 games. After 18 games, bowlers will have a forever rolling average from year to year. Example: If a bowler has 21 games and finishes the season at 200, the bowler will be using 200 the following year, with that bowler not being allowed to drop 10 pins under their entering average. Handicap will be 80% of 240.


Only the Tour Stop Representative may run pots. This includes brackets, eliminators, high games, high series, etc. No members can run any pots. All handicap games will be capped at 300. This includes pots and regular scoring.


X-League uses an 80-point system. Each of the three pairs will compete for 25 points each. The winner of the combined total wood will receive an additional 5 points. We will be using a match point system. The point system is as follows:

Head-to-head matches against opponent: 1

Team game won: 2

Individual wood against opponent: 2

Overall wood per pair: 4

Overall total wood between all three pairs: 5

All ties will split the points equally. Points won are what determines league standings in the division.

Tie breakers in the standings go off head-to-head matchups (point totals), including playoff eligibility.

A man posing for a photo at a bowling alley.

Lane breakdown:

If a lane breaks down, and 15 minutes have gone by, and the situation is not resolved, bowlers can move lanes. Each bowler will receive 2 balls on each lane on the new pair. If for some reason, no breakdown pair is available, bowlers must wait until the first pair of lanes opens. Tour Stop Reps will have discretion on allowing or not allowing warm up shots.


The top 4 teams in the division will make playoffs. Playoff format will be introduced prior to the start of the season. This format may change year to year depending on the number of franchises as well as locations.

Money Collection:

All pots will be paid in cash. All tour stop payments will be made through the website. If the website is inoperable, payments can be made in cash to the Tour Stop Rep or any pre-approved and discussed way. By doing this, both franchises and X-League can track all payments. Franchises must send their $360 48 hours before competition. Bowling alleys will be paid by check. It is the franchise’s duty to collect money from their bowlers. Changes to payments to X-League may occur in the future.

Prize Fund Distribution:

All prize money will be distributed within 30 days of the final Championship match. 100% of all prize money will be distributed.

Code of Conduct:

X-League bowlers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and sportsman-like manner, including social media. Any X-League bowler that defaces an X-League jersey, with malicious intent, will be subject to a suspension up to a year by the EBDs. This also includes malicious damage to anything at the bowling alley, fighting, skipping out on any tabs, or anything similar.

Members breaking bowling equipment are solely responsible for reimbursing the house for any damage caused. All decisions from the EBDs are final and cannot be appealed. If this happens a second time, there will be a $250 fine, payable to X-League within 90 days of the ruling. If this happens a third time, a lifelong suspension may be handed down by the EBDs.

If an issue occurs with more than one X-League franchise, the EBDs will come in to attempt to mediate and resolve it.

Depending on the severity of the problem, the EBDs have the right to indefinitely suspend any bowler that may be involved. In extreme cases, where a franchise owner is involved, the EBDs have the right to remove the owner and replace them with someone else on that team.

A flask with the word 300 game on it.


As USBC phased out honor score awards, X-League is bringing them back. Awards will be distributed to any bowler who rolls a 300 game, an 800 series, 100 pins over average in one game, 150 pins over average. Bowlers will receive a dog tag and chain for every honor score achieved. In addition, X-League will keep track of total pinfall for all tour stops for each bowler. For every 10,000 pins, bowlers will move up in rank in the X-League and cap out at 110,000 pins. Other awards will be added as the X-League grows.

Other Topics Not Covered:

$0.25 of each $40 will be put into the 5-7-10 Jackpot (The Three Wise Men Jackpot). Bowlers are encouraged to take a picture if this is left. The split only needs to be left, not converted to win. The split cannot be left on a bowler’s fill ball or second ball of the frame if the first ball was a gutter ball. Winners will receive their money by the next tour stop.

If bowlers have questions or concerns about the X-League, EBDs, or staff, they are highly encouraged to contact X-League instead of going to social media. The code of conduct also covers social media. Bowlers could face suspensions for extreme negative remarks on social media. EBDs determine the definition of extreme negative comments.

In extreme circumstances, if a blatant loophole was found, in which teams exploit, the EBDs have the right to change or alter a rule and implement it immediately. All franchises will be notified if this occurs.

Children of bowlers, with discretion of the EBDs or Tour Stop Rep, should not be in the bowler’s area during competition. Friends or guests should not be in the bowler’s area as well.

 Late bowlers cannot make up missed frames, so show up early. Bowlers will receive a zero for every frame missed and may enter the game at any time.

Tour Stop Representatives and the EBDs have the right to cancel any tour stop in the name of weather, a state of emergency, any national emergency, or anything like this. It is the duty of X-League to attempt to reschedule cancelled matches. If for some reason, a match cannot be rescheduled, a different venue may be used, or cancelled entirely.

These rules supersede any pre-dated printed materials. X-League has the right to change rules at any time. (8/2023)